Our Mission

To inspire and empower women to be the best version of themselves, spiritually, emotionally, and financially. We aim to promote self-care and self-love through workshops, conferences, retreats, and rejuvenation days. The Women affiliated with The Fearless Women’s Retreat will gain self-confidence and belief that they can achieve anything possible. They will be given tools needed to become entrepreneurs, coaches, leaders, innovators, and givers of life.

About Us

The Fearless Women Retreat is a transformative experience designed specifically for women who are seeking to cultivate self-love, self-care, and personal growth. The retreat is a safe and supportive environment where women can come together to learn, grow, and connect with one another.

Throughout the retreat, attendees are equipped with the tools and resources they need to become their best selves. This includes workshops, seminars, and activities focused on personal development, leadership, entrepreneurship, and more. The retreat is designed to help women tap into their full potential and become fearless in pursuing their dreams and goals.

At FWR, women are encouraged to push beyond their comfort zones and embrace freedom as a source of strength. By doing so, they can overcome limiting beliefs and self-doubt, and become empowered to transform their lives. The retreat provides a space for women to explore their passions, connect with like-minded individuals, and develop the confidence and skills they need to succeed.

Whether attendees are entrepreneurs, coaches, leaders, innovators, or nurturers, FWR offers something for everyone. The retreat is a place for women from all walks of life to come together and support one another on their journey towards personal growth and fulfillment.

In short, The Fearless Women Retreat is a powerful and inspirational experience that empowers women to unleash their full potential and transform their lives. By cultivating self-love, self-care, and personal growth, attendees can become fearless in pursuing their dreams and creating the life they truly desire.

What People Are Saying

Encouragement That Could Not Be Manufactured

As the first night unfolded I began to see the Magic of a group of women from diverse backgrounds getting together to upbuild, motivate, and encourage one another. There was a planned agenda alright, but what really happened there could not have been scripted. I saw Women’s lives changed. Women taking back their lives. Women being empowered.

— Patricia, GA

Strangers Become Friends

It’s hard to put it all into words but what I do know is this —God is faithful and He is good. And there is a blessing when His women get together & seek Him. He wants His ladies to step out and be the fearless women He’s called us to be. Not in our own strength... but in His. That our lives would bring Him glory. Thank you Tracye Hamler for your love and dedication to Women’s Ministry. Strangers became friends.

— Vonda, LA

Meet Tracye Hamler


The coordination and execution of effective and impactful event planning seems to be a lost art, amongst a generation with a heavy reliance on virtual atmospheres. Flourishing beyond the norm, stands the talent, ability, and professional acumen of event facilitator, Tracye Hamler.

Tracye Hamler is a sales expert, women’s enthusiast, retreat specialist, and CEO and Founder of Fearless Women’s retreats, an exclusive event specialty, created with the female entrepreneur in mind. Respected as a Platinum Level Team Leader for Lifestyle Brand, Bedroom Kandi, Tracye combines a passion for women’s empowerment, event coordination, and benefit realization; uncanny to those in her field.  

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.

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